百望讲坛(53)|新加坡国立澳门威尼克斯人网站Berthold-Georg Englert 教授作报告


【时   间】 7-Dec-2023   14:30

【地   点】 Room 320

【报告人】 Berthold-Georg Englert(National University of Singapore)

【主持人】 Sanjib Ghosh (BAQIS)

【题   目】Uncertainty relations revisited

【摘   要】In undergraduate courses of quantum mechanics, we routinely teach Heisenberg's uncertainty relation as well as Robertson's, and perhaps other, generalizations. It is common to regard the states that saturate the Robertson inequality as "minimum uncertainty states." On closer inspection, it turns out that (i) all the standard inequalities follow from one basic equation; (ii) the "minimum uncertainty states" do not minimize uncertainty; (iii) the states that really minimize uncertainty obey a different equation than the ones that saturate the Robertson inequality. The talk will also off a brief review of the early history of this topic.



【报告人简介】Berthold-Georg (Berge) Englert is Chair Professor at the School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, a recent appointment; he is also Visiting Research Professor and Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore (NUS). He is the Vice President and Scientific Secreatary of the Julian Schwinger Foundation for Physics Research.

Prof. Englert obtained his doctoral degree in physics from the University of Tübingen in 1981. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, and the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. In 2003, he became a professor of physics at the NUS. In 2008, he joined the Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, as a Principal Investigator and leader of a research group.

Prof. Englert authored more than 160 research papers in international refereed journals, a monograpgh on the theory of semiclassical atoms (1988), and a series of undergraduate textbooks (from 2006 onward). His principal research interests concern quantum physics. He is well-known for his early works on semiclassical atomic physics with Julian Schwinger and on quantum optics with Marlan Scully and Herbert Walther, for his later works on complementarity and wave-particle duality, and his more recent work on quantum information, in particual, on quantum state estimation.

In 2006, Prof. Englert was recognized by the Singapore Government with the National Science Award for outstanding contributions to theoretical research on quantum coherence. From 2009 to 2012, he was the Provost’s Chair in Science at NUS. He was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IPS), Singapore, in 2012 and a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2015. He received the IPS President Medal for 2019. In 2023, he was awarded as the Yangtze River Chair Professorship by the MOE of China. 
